Fun in December!

dec blog post

Hi, all!

This month was full of holiday fun! Through Music Therapy, my students worked on counting Christmas lights, reading about The Very Hungry Reindeer, and learning about different countries’ holiday traditions, just to name a few. Towards the end of the month, I took a little detour from my usual music therapy session plans decided to do something really fun with my students: caroling around the school!

Caroling looked a little something like this: I had various holiday song cards – usually “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph,” and “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” – and a student would choose a song to sing. All of the students had jingle bells to play. I verbally cued the students with “Ready, set…,” and the students would mand to play by saying “go!” The students needed their listening ears on and had to stop when the music stopped. All of my students did a great job listening, singing, and playing for staff and students around the school!

It was such a joy for the teachers to see their students interact with individuals in their schools! Seeing my students faces light up when they were awarded with praise after their performances were the highlights of my year!

I can’t wait to do this again!

In love + harmony, 

Ms. Esther

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